List of Local Winds – स्थानीय हवाओं की सूची

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List of local Winds

Land and sea breezes, representing a complete cycle of diurnal winds, are in fact, monsoon winds at local scale because they change their direction twice in every 24-hour period. These local diurnal monsoon winds very commonly known as land and see breezes are found in the coastal areas wherein sea breeze blows from sea to land, during day time and land breeze moves from land to sea during night due to differential heating and cooling of land and water.

S. NoNameNature of Winds
1.ChinookHot, dry winds in rockies, also called ‘Snow Eater’
2.FohnHot, dry winds in the Alps
3.KhamsinHot, dry winds in Egypt
4.SiroccoHot, moist wind from Sahara to Mediterranean Sea. It is also known as Blood rain
5.NorwesterHot wind in New Zealand
6.LavanterCold winds in Spain
7.Santa AnaHot wind in South California in USA
8.BlizzardVery cold winds in Tundra region
9.BoraCold, dry winds blowing outwards from Hungary to the North of Italy (near Adriatic Sea)
10.MistralVery Cold wind, which blows from the Alps over France
11.PunasCold, dry wind blowing down towards the Western side of Andes
12.HarmattanHot, dry winds blowing outwards from the interior of western Africa, Also called Guinea Doctor
13.SolanoHot, moist from Sahara to Mediterranean Sea. It is also known as Blood rain
14.PurgaCold wind in Russian Tundra

Major River of the World

S. NoRiverOrigin
1.NileVictoria lake
2.AmazonAndes (Peru)
3.YangtzeTibetan Kiand Plateau
4.Mississippi MissouriItaska Lake (USA)
5.YeniseiTannu-Ola Mountain
6.Huang HoKunlun Mountains
7.ObAltai Mountains, Russia
8.CongoLualaba and Luapula rivers
9.AmurNorth East China
10.LenaBaikal Mountans
12.MekongTibetan Highlands


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